Are you getting creative with your choreography, but unsure if the stunt is legal?
Send us an email by 16 October 2018 to clarify!
HOW TO SUBMIT A RULES QUESTION To have a video reviewed please email events@invinciblecheer.com
Coaches are encouraged to review videos prior to sending them to ensure they are clear and may be utilised for review, including ensuring they display in an upright manner. We receive several videos that we cannot rule on due to something that would have been obvious if the video was watched in advance, such as the view being blocked by a finger of the camera holder. Also please ensure there are no extra people in the video that could impact the ruling, such as someone that is in view and could unintentionally be considered a spotter.
Please allow 10 days for review of your video, and be aware response time is likely to increase leading up to major events due to the volume of inquiries, so please be patient and plan accordingly.
REMINDERS: * Every submission must be answerable with one word, LEGAL or ILLEGAL. * Videos should be filmed specifically for the purpose of getting a ruling. * Videos must be of your team in a practice environment. * Videos must be of a single skill or sequence. If you have questions regarding multiple skills they should be sent in separately. * Videos must display in an upright manner when viewed. * Videos should include the minimal number of athletes possible. * 1 person for individual skills * 1 group for group skills * We can only tell you a skill is LEGAL for a specific division or a skill is ILLEGAL along with citing the rule violated. We will not assist with changing choreography. * We expect you to have knowledge of the rules and will not be teaching the rules in our replies. * We only rule on the legality of the skill in the video, not the participants. * Our ruling is only valid if the skill is performed the same way in the video and at the event. If called on a skill we said was legal the official at the event should point out the difference. * Don’t ask us to call, text, or contact you via any method other than email. We cannot give official replies via text, social media, our personal email accounts, or any other non-official method.
Examples that will not receive a ruling: * Videos from competitions * Videos of more than one skill or sequence * Videos believed to be of other teams will not receive a reply * A portion of a video * A description of a skill * A video of a skill with a description of the difference with the skill you would like to perform